Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dress & Desserts

We bought Taylor a cute Thanksgiving dress last night at JC Penneys. I didnt realize the collar was all whopper jawed when I took the picture.. I cant wait to see it on her, We need to make sure she has some cute hair bow or something to wear with it. Maybe for her 1 year photo we will get some pictures of her in the dress.. I love the rick rack & the pokka dot ribbon
We were invited to join a card club, tonight is the 1st night. Im suppose to bring dessert, we are having dinner before we play. I was craving mint brownies, but thought not everyone likes that so I made some cream cheese type brownies too. The little peanut butter cup cookies came from our bible study small group that met last night. The Snyders hosted & sent some of these yummies home with all of us..:)

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