Sunday, September 4, 2011


Chuck had a friend at work putting in new landscaping & had his old stuff he wanted to get rid of, he brought us 2 trash barrels of rocks.

looks much better now, we hope he maybe has a couple more trash cans full so we can do a little more. It wont wash away like the bark we usually put down..
I was tired of the treadmill taking up so much space int eh computer/scrap room , I also couldnt get to the books & things on the bookcase beside it. So I decided to move it yesterday, Chuck wasnt to thrilled I moved it myself but you know once you decide to do something you just want to get it done.
Ahhhh so much more room, now maybe I will be inspired to purge & reorganize in here, plus T will have more room to roll around in her walked when I am in here working on something..
So the treadmill is now in Nana's/Taylors room. Jess was talking to Taylor & said you better tell me if grandma ever has you walking on that treadmill with a leash.. Ok is she crazy or what.. Jess that is...LOL
I had a little bit of this & little bit of that left over from some different food projects & thought why not throw it together for one of our favorite fall mixes, (its even a cloudy,cooler type day)only thing missing was the raisins. Candy corn, peanuts, m&m's. Yum OK I told Chuck I must be OCD I think the perfect combination is 2 peanuts, 2 m& m & 1 candy corn, that is how I eat each bite. More than 1 piece of candy corn & it over powers the rest of the flavors. Ok you can say it I have to much free time on my hands.LOL

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