Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Taylor was mesmerized by the fire. It got a little chilly here today.
cute little outfit I think Gma Jackie got her

Taylor was so sweet she noticed the big picture frame screen we have, she saw Natalie & Princess picture 1st & started kissing it

tehn she noticed g-daddy & gma pictureand finally mommy & daddy, she was sweet looking at it
then touching it & then kissing it :), she was a lover today, lots of kisses, that makes up for what happened later LOL
She blew out her pants & top with a dirty diaper right before mommy was coming so I hosed her down witht he sprayer & then cleaned her up with a bubble bath. We were FAST, changed & put back together before momma got here.
Im sure this felt a lot better than that stinky mess in her diaper & every where else. Thanks for the peas momma :) (Jess sent a text last night apologizing for the peas she was eating for supper last night .:)

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