I made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins , so I thought I would sit T up onthe table with them, at first she was tentative

then she grabbed one & I decided she better sit in her high chair & put a bib on before she started eating it, this was our practice to see how she will eat her birthday cake. :)

one little bite was all it took

then it was fist fulls :)

who needs toys when you can play with the cats...she likes to hear the bells jingle, she is very musical
We took some muffins to Frances Cobb (she was my neighbor growing up), she lost her husband last spring & I thought she would enjoy Taylor. Taylor was so good the whole time we were there.

Im really enjoying the fact that Taylor lets me rock her to sleep now, I hope this means we are done pushing the stroller around the house. She still likes me to sing. LOL

After she is good & asleep I put her in her bed

my friend Jennifer from High school & my college roommate came for a visit this afternoon, it was nice to visit with her. Taylor napped the 1st hour she was here & then she played & Jennifer got to spend some time with her. Taylor is such a good girl..
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