Friday, October 7, 2011

Taylor busy day

I was working in Taylors closet & this is what she was doing in her room :)
She was pretty happy with herself :)
Found Taylor a sweet new car at a rummage down the street, it is great for grandma"s back not having to bend over to push her on the lion. You can take the handle off when she gets older, it even has a safety belt which is nice
we also got this cool vaccum that makes noise, too bad it really doesnt work
I like milk....Grandma has been giving me just a little a couple times a week
working on the puzzles at the library
my friend Mrs Juli & Asher picking out books before story time
me & my friend Ruth working on the puzzles
time to feed the fish
we played with the scarves today & music

we made a new little friend today, Anthony is 3 months old
we got to play with musical instrauments
I liked shaking the beads
The leaves are turning beautiful colors & this 80 degree weather is AWESOME!!!

we got the fireman stuff out for mommy to take to her class next week, We decided to play with it first, mommy brought back the farm box so we can play farms next week at home

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