Saturday, October 15, 2011


I wrote all this stuff about the pumpkin patch trip & dont know why it didnt post with the pictures, so I will jsut write it here. Taylor had her cute 1st halloween shirt on but it is FREEZING here, so we took a few photos of her & then put jeans & sweatshirt over the top. It is very cold & windy here. We went on a hay ride, feed the animals & picked out pumpkins. Aunt Natalie had a turkey that followed her around the place :) afterwards we stopped by Ivanhoes in Upland it was packed (alumni weekend at Taylor university) so we had to stand, Jess was feeding Taylor & I some of her ice cream, it was cute eveytime she gave me a bite Taylor leaned over to kiss me, we tried to decide if she thought she was going to get some of my bite like a baby bird with its mommy, Sorry didnt work out for her..
Ran in to a friend from high school who actually sang at Chuck & I wedding she was here visiting her family (she lives in KY). Her daughters are 11 & 13 , kind of funny, compared to Jess 27 & Nat 23 & a grandbaby.. I think today is a good SOUP day. GOing to try a new ercipe, if its good I will post it.

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