Monday, October 31, 2011


treats for our treaters(well the special ones, Taylors is the little lunch bag)
wearing her 1st Halloween shirt (hard to believe she has been through all of her 1st holidays)

Her boo bib
showing g-daddy & gma her candy from trick or treating
opening her goodies for us, a few new bath toys & some oragel with a tooth brush to leave here :)

chewing on her new toys
neighbors & former preschool family the Steenbergs, look in the door we said Molley little sister ghoost was inside :)
Another former preschool family the Meltons (Jessi gets our diapers cheap from the hospital)
Another former preschool family that we love to spend time with "The Johnsons", Taylor was still here when they came she LOVED the other kids...All in all a fun night poor CHuck has a bad cold...

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