Thursday, October 20, 2011

cradle school halloween party

Taylor & Jessica invited me to go to their cradle school halloween party. It was held at Justice & put on by a local sorority, this is what greeted me when I got in the car. Poor Taylor was squished into her car seat..
Here Taylor is by her little scarecrow she made one week at cradle school

isnt she cute, she kept her hood up the whole time, we will see how it goes with the other costume (Nat got her a candy kiss, it has a hat- she isnt much into hats)
she figured out how to do the sucker
she felt eyeballs(really grapes), fingers(really carrots) & other gross stuff
then she had to find the little pumpkins

she enjoyed the bean bag toss
she actually got the concept of the ring toss (yes she is advanced) :)
she & mommy were not very good at ghost bowling
but they had fun trying to knock them over

she liked crawling all over the place
bean bag toss, she liked putting it in the pumpkin mouth & eyes

whew juice taste good, a girl gets thirsty
group photo, this is all the different cradle schools, Jess said there are about 12 at theirs. The 2 little black boys over the the far left I guess are pretty crazy about T

trick or treating. The little girl passing out the candy was one of my former preschool students she is in 2nd grade, ran into another former preschool mom her son is now 8th grade.. WOW

her ghost she made at cradle school, we had a great time

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