Friday, October 28, 2011

Spending the evening with Taylor

Mommy & daddy were going out to eat & birthday shopping for me so I stayed with gma & g-daddy, unfortunately daddy had some work stuff come up so they didnt get to eat & the birthday shopping didnt go so well either :(
Taylor & g-daddy dancing to the lion music. It sounded like Taylor said g-dada tonight :)
Taylor will spend a long time taking the remotes & the coasters off the end table & then putting them back.
G-daddy made us a fire so I got on my snuggly little coat

gma taking our picture I put my hand in front of the lens

we have a mole, Matt said he would bring his mole trap over

Taylor was putting sticks & leaves in the trunk of her car & then taking them out

She decided to push the car instead of ride in it..:)

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