Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today's Love List

*being surrounded by family on Wed dinner night
*Chuck having 2 days during the week off & spending it with Taylor & I
*spontaneous kisses from Taylor
*leaves changing colors
*beautiful fall weather
*fires at night on back porch with Chuck
*swinging on the porch swing with Chuck
*playing in the leaves with Taylor
*Taylor's birthday banner
*pumpkin chocolate chip muffins
*emails from my mom
*talking to my sister
*getting text from my brother saying TX finally has rain
*cold glass of milk
*fresh water from the tap
*inside bathrooms
*Emmy using her liter box & not the rest of the house
*finishing projects
*being surrounded by photos of people I love in my house
*doing something nice for someone else
*roof over my head
*Taylors laugh
*watching Jess be such a good mommy
*Taylor letting me rock her to sleep
*quiet after a busy day
*soft warm bed at night to rest & rejuvenate

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